find a quiet space a practice room could work quite well
go to one end of the room, you need a few meters clear space
now stand still
feet together
bend your knees slightly
feel your centre of gravity through your abdominal muscles, support it with lengthening the small of your back
“Keep breathing, in a relaxed but regular way”
imagine an invisible thread is lifting the crown of your head to the ceiling,
let your chin drop a little as the back of your neck lengthens
then let your shoulders drop a little
keep your hands by your side do your fingers feel restless? then imagine holding a small 5c coin between your thumb and middle finger, on both hands
now imagine two invisible threads are lifting your collarbones up, lifting up towards the ceiling, let your shoulders relax back let your shoulder blades flatten a little
feet together
knees bent
supported, straight but relaxed posture steady breathing