
Het Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music is een samenwerking tussen de Universiteit Maastricht, Zuyd Hogeschool en philharmonie zuidnederland en wordt gefinancierd door de Provincie Limburg en Gemeente Maastricht 

The Artful Participation project was funded by the NWO/SIA Smart Culture programme from 2017 to 2021.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this project with their time, energy and critical eye. We would like to especially thank the musicians, staff and Friends of philharmonie zuidnederland. 

This website was created by Studio Luidspreker in collaboration with Ties van de Werff, Karoly Molina and Peter Peters. The translations are by Ton Brouwers.

De mensen achter Artful Participation zijn:

Ruth Benschop, lector, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences 
Imogen Eve, musician researcher, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Karoly Molina, research assistant, Maastricht University
Peter Peters, professor, Maastricht University
Stefan Rosu, intendant, philharmonie zuidnederland
Veerle Spronck, PhD candidate, Maastricht University
Ties van de Werff, postdoc researcher, Maastricht University